Thursday, September 26, 2019

4 Step Guideline to Physical Therapy

"My style is wild and you know that it still is
Disco bag schlepping and you're doing the bump
Shake your rump" - Beastie Boys

In the last few weeks I've been shakin' my rump and working very hard at reversing the muscle atrophy in my booty and my left leg from my hips surgeries and recovery over the last 4 years. Having my bones shaved twice in an 8 month time period added an extra hurdle to overcome. I have years of atrophy which starts at 2 weeks of inactivity plus 2 years of bone healing from each surgery date ahead of me. By systematically strengthening the muscles and being patient, I am starting to see improvements in the atrophied areas. I've used these 4 steps as a guideline to my physical therapy: 

1. Isometric exercises 
To improve circulation and increase strength in the atrophied muscle. Isometric exercises involve contracting the muscle for a few seconds at a time

2. Range of Motion:
Progressing to range of motion exercises that involve joint movement without adding resistance

3. Light resistance 
Progressing to light resistance such as small hand weights or resistance tubes in order to begin rebuilding your lost muscle mass. Adding resistance gradually to avoid injury or straining .

4. Increasing resistance:
Slowly progressing to adding more resistance, moderately,  include more heavier free weights and weight machines. Start including more functional movements into your exercise program. For example, squats and step-ups will to build up atrophied quadriceps muscles, as well as bicep curls and overhead presses to strengthen atrophied muscles in the upper body.

Recovering from an injury takes patience, time, proper physical therapy and nutrition. If you do the work, in time you will see the results and be able to come out of it even stronger and healthier! 

#booty #shakeyourrump #workout #fitness #healing #recovery #bonehealth #resistancetraining #strengthtraining #physicaltherapy #patience #time #holistichealth #holisticnutrition #holistichealing #werk #🍑#longhair #messyhairdontcare #rawearthmedicine


  1. Acupuncture has been practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years. Acupuncture involves stimulating specific points on
